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A kerk Stella Dekker Fotografie 1 van 1
A kerk Stella Dekker Fotografie 1 van 1


ARK LAWKI NOW Marc Knip 03
19:00 - 01:00 | Noorderlicht in the Akerk

Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021: The Makeable Mind (NL/EN)

The Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021 is about the relationship between the runaway visual culture and our perception of reality. The photo shows ARK's huge, five-part multimedia installation 'LAWKI-NOW', the festival's pièce de résistance in the Achurch. Via thousands of pixels, an algorithm pours online videos over the visitor, in combination with a sound composition driven by artificial intelligence. The work asks questions: is the truth of the internet taking over our reality? Are we still in control of our imagination? LAWKI–NOW is not a video with a play button, but a living organism that is constantly changing under the influence of the presence of the audience. Photography, video and virtual reality installations can also be seen in the church.

19:00 - 01:00 | Akerk

ARK LAWKI NOW Marc Knip 01
19:00 - 01:00 | Noorderlicht the Akerk

Workshop Cyanotype

During the Museum Night, students from the photography department of the Noorderpoort will give workshops on cyanotype, a special technique that allows you to photograph without a camera. You make prints of (semi-)transparent objects on paper that has first been made light sensitive. You can choose from a table full of objects, make a composition of them and then start exposing the paper. This creates a blueprint that you can take home as a souvenir.

19:00 - 01:00 | Noorderlicht the Akerk