A door with graffiti tags

Among all the artworks, photos, videos and memorabilia in the exhibitions Graffiti in Groningen there is a unique object: a door with tags of famous New York and Groningen graffiti writers from the 1980s and 1990s, including Toxic, Amsl, Daze, Dondi, Lil’Chucky 188, A-One, Futura 2000, Haze, Kool Koor, Crest 2HT, Lee, Toxic IND, Mickey, Anger WLK, Lady Pink, Quik, Toxic, Mr. Blast Rocsteady, Lil Chuck Rocs Well, Zephyr, Sar TMB, Quik en Blade, 1992.
During the party following the opening of the large-scale exhibition Coming from the Subway, all artists who had been present addes their tag to a door in the house of Poul ter Hofstede, who was the curator.