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Natural Beauty

from Fra Angelico to Monet. Rau Collection for UNICEF

Paul Signac, La Mer
Paul Signac, La Mer © Foto Unicef Groƒ
Saturday 7 December 2013 to Sunday 25 May 2014

Natural Beauty – from Fra Angelico to Monet. Rau Collection for UNICEF

German philanthropist and tropical medicine doctor Gustav Rau (1922-2002) donated his art collection to UNICEF in 2001. In collaboration with the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck in Remagen, the museum managing this collection, an overview was compiled, containing mainly landscapes and still lifes dating from the fifteenth to the early twentieth century. The exhibition was complemented with related paintings from the Groninger Museum’s collection. Works from among others Frans Snijders, Cornelis de Heem, Willem Kalf, Melchior d’Hondecoeter, Odilon Redon, Paul Cézanne, and Paul Signac were on display.

Curators: Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck Remagen, Ruud Schenk
Book: Dutch catalogue Natural beauty van Fra Angelico tot Monet: Collectie Rau voor UNICEF, ISBN: 9783866788657; German catalogue Natural beauty von Fra Angelico bis Monet: Sammlung Rau für UNICEF, ISBN: 9783866788633, with contributions from among others Andreas Blühm and Ruud Schenk
Special thanks to: Stichting Fondsbeheer Culturele Relatie-evenementen Gasunie en GasTerra