The Groninger Museum has organized a giveaway specifically for students. You can join from the 16th of August until the 11th of September. The giveaway is inspired by the dirty rooms the Rolling Stones used to live in. These rooms have been recreated in the exhibition Unzipped.
Students can join the giveaway by posting a video of their dirty, messy student room on social media and tagging the Groninger Museum. The title of the giveaway is based on the Rolling Stones' hit "Start Me Up". The dirtiest student room wins one free cleaning service.
How does it work?
As a student you can join the Clean Me Up giveaway by sharing your dirty room on Instagram Reels or through a TikTok video. Capture the mess in your room and tag the Groninger Museum so we won't miss out on your video. It is important to use the hashtags #RollingStoneSchoon and #CleanMeUpgiveaway in your caption. The giveaway is from the 16th of August until the 11th of September. To join your video has to be visible to us until the 12th of September. On Tuesday 12 September we announce the final winner on Instagram.
The student with the dirtiest room wins a free cleaning service by Effektief Groep. Effektief Group will clean 1 student room, so not a whole student house or dorm. You can only join the giveaway if you live in Groningen or Amsterdam.
- Students in Groningen or Amsterdam can win a one-time free cleaning service for 1 student room.
- To join the giveaway you have to follow the Groninger Museum on social media.
- Students can join by posting pictures or a video of their dirty student room on Instagram or TikTok.
- In the caption of the post students have to tag the Groninger Museum and use the hashtags #CleanMeUpgiveaway and #RollingStoneSchoon. You can tag the museum on TikTok with @groningermuseum. On Instagram you can tag the museum with @groningermuseumofficial.
- Students make sure their video/post is visible online until the 12th of September.
- Students can join the giveaway until Monday 11 September 2023. The winner will be announced Tuesday 12 September 2023.
- The giveaway is possible because of the Effektief Groep.
- The final winner agrees to them and their room being in pictures or videos for PR-purposes of the museum.