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Muddypinkdinosaur hannevandervelde 8580 1280388818
Muddypinkdinosaur hannevandervelde 8580 1280388818

In Noorderlicht Studio, students from Noorderpoort have visualized their own ideas about the Noorderlicht festival theme REGENERATE. REGENERATE investigates how we can work towards a better future, together with the planet and its inhabitants. Expect music, impressive photography and imagine yourself being - just for a moment - in the future.

Check the line-up

Noorderlicht Fotostudio
19:00 - 21:00 | Noorderlicht Studio

Noorderlicht Photo Studio

Although we mainly exhibit photographs in our Studio, we also like to make ánd print photographs in our own print lab. Do you always like to take souvenirs too? Come immortalize your museum night in our Studio and take home a photo, fresh from our own (print)press

Begane Grond
19:00 - 22:00 | Noorderlicht Studio

DJ Begane Grond

Begane Ground you may already know from Relate Radio, VERA Groningen or Grasnapolsky. Expect experimental electronic music, ambient and leftfield.

Constant Mill
22:00 - 01:00 | Noorderlicht Studio

DJ Constant Mill

Constant Mill previously played at VERA Groningen and Grasnapolsky. He takes over from Begane Grond and closes the museum night at Noorderlicht Studio with an electronic set that will stay with you for a long time.